Written on HMS Revenge immediately following the Battle of Trafalgar.
Rev John Greenly 1778 - 1862 (Battle of [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [347.3 KB]
Rev John Greenly 1778 - 1862 (Battle of [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [274.3 KB]
See section above
Click the Book order at Amazon
If you have an interest in 'The Greenlys' then this book is for you. Perfect as a gift to your wider family too.
Covering the period 1415 - 1865, the Greenly family's eyewitness accounts cover The Battle of Agincourt, William Shakespeare’s Henry V, the London Plague & Great Fire, Famine & American Emigrants, Lord Nelson and the Battle of Trafalgar, the American Civil War and many more historical events from the English Regency Period.
30 Jan 2024. "This book is so enjoyable to read, I love the way the author spent years researching his family tree and then turned it into an interesting story filled with loads of historical facts". Jo, UK.
11 June 2023. "Just finished reading your book; really enjoyed it". Chris, Spain.
13 May 2023. "Hey David, I just got your new book, I love it and now I understand the cousin connection between my relatives Richard and Hannah and the Titley Court Lady Elizabeth. Nice Job". Laura, USA.
Lady Elizabeth Greenly - REGENCY DIARIST (1771 – 1839)
"London, May 10th 1794. I am sitting with the artist Inglehart for my miniature. He has painted Lady Oxford. Friday, we called on her. I was much pleased with her appearance – she has a sweet and good-tempered countenance. Her mother, Mrs. Scott, looks a vulgar managing woman".
Extract from Elizabeth's diary - order the book above for lots more.
The ancient headstone above in Titley Church provides the link between the Greenlys in Staunton on Arrow and later in Titley. It commenorates John Greenley (died 27 October 1585), gentleman of Mowley in Staunton on Arrow, and his sons and sons sons who lived and were buried in Titley Church having lived in Titley and at the manor house Titley Court also in Titley.
Sir Edward Coke (1552 – 1634), British jurist and politician and Greneley’s Case in British Common Law 1610 (click for more)
John Greenly & Phoebe Hyde
Married 1677.
Phoebe (from Shropshire) was a close relative of Anne Hyde
(above) who married James II.
Anne Hyde
12 March 1637 - 31 March 1671
Anne Hyde was the eldest daughter Edward Hyde, a lawyer and M.P. and Frances Aylesbury, daughter of Sir Thomas Aylesbury, was born at Cranbourne Lodge in Windsor Great Park. In 1649, the family fled to the Netherlands following the execution of King Charles I by Parliament. The family settled in Breda, where they were offered a home by Mary, Princess Royal and Princess of Orange
On Tuesday 16 February 1802, Captain Mathew Flinders, sailed His Majesty's ship, The Investigator, and discovered South Australia. He named an Island, lakes, bays and mountains after Lady Elizabeth Greenly, wife of Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin Greenly. This Admiral was one of the six Admirals who carried a black canopy over the coffin of Lord Nelson as it sailed up the Thames from Royal Grenwich to St. Pauls Cathedral in January 1806.
Nelson died at the Battle of Trafalgar in October 1805. The Reverend John Greenly (see Nelson Stamp below) was also at the Battle of Trafalgar and served on HMS Revenge.
The Stagg Inn, Titley. In the 19th Century, the Stagg Inn as it now is, was part of the Titley Court estate and was used to process the local Herefordshire cattle. Greenly's also processed Herefordshire cattle in London.
GREENLY, Philip - citizen & butcher of London, 4 Oct 1625.
to my wife Alice GREENLY lease of my dwelling house in St. Nicholas Shambles, Christchurch, London, & my slaughterhouse in Pincocke Lane, London; to my son John GREENLY my house & lands in Staunton on Arrow but to allow my wife to live there too; to my son Philip GREENLY his brother £200;
If you're looking to visit Titley then this is place to stay and eat; they even have a Greenly Suite!
Hargreaves, (Charles) Roger (1935–1988), copywriter and children's author, was born on 9 May
1935 worked for Greenlys Advertising Agency.
CLICK to find your way around the site or use the Site Map link at the bottom of each page.
Holly Greenly (Sunday, November 24 24 04:18 pm GMT)
I just found this page as I do more research on my family tree! I’ve been using ancestry and have managed to trace the greenly tree of mine back to the 1400’s. This website is an amazing resource and I’m so grateful it’s been put together.
Thank you!
David Greenly (Site Owner) (Saturday, June 03 23 06:55 pm BST)
Hi David. Thanks for the feedback and very pleased that you’ve enjoyed it. Lots of great snippets in there to share with family too.
DAvid Greenly -Mold (Saturday, June 03 23 05:58 pm BST)
Hi David
Just got a couple of copies of the book, one of which is on the way to my NZ cousin. Really enjoyable read!
Laura D Moscoso (Saturday, May 13 23 10:17 pm BST)
Hey David, I just got your new book, I love it and now I understand the cousin connection between my relatives Richard and Hannah and the Titley Court Lady Elizabeth. Nice Job. I was wondering if I am confused about the picture that they put on p.63 in the Lady Elizabeth chapter. Is that Anne Hyde, the relative of Phoebe Hyde who married a Greenly?
Phil Coleman (Sunday, November 06 22 11:55 am GMT)
David, et.al.
I have a complete 7-volume leather-bound set of "The Sermons of Mr. Yorick," Laurence Sterne, 1763. All have the Greenly face plate and the first 4 volumes are signed by William Greenly. Two signatures are also dated, 1763, 1765 respectively. I'm trying to establish provenance prior to listing this set of rare books for sale. Logos Books, Davis, CA is a non-profit volunteer organization whose proceeds benefit our local library. I would appreciate any information that could trace how these books originated and how they may have made their way to America. Photos available on request. Thank you.
Laura D Moscoso (Thursday, July 07 22 04:05 pm BST)
does anyone know the connection from William Bradford to Hannah Bradford that married Richard Greenly and came to America?
debra shelby (Wednesday, February 09 22 04:29 am GMT)
This comes from the book Greenlee Families in America, Scotland, Ireland, and England, with ancestors of Elizabeth Brooks Greenlee and Emily Brooks Greenlee, also genealogical data on the McDowells of Virginia and Kentucky, by Ralph Stebbins Greenlee and Robert Lemuel Greenlee. Chicago, Illinois, Privately Printed, 1908. Page 503.
William Greenly, son of Patrick Greenly, died at Lewiston, Pennslyvania: married ___; removed to Ohio before 1827. His childred are
1. Shadrach
2. Mesheck
3. Jesse
4. William: killed in the Mexican war
Cheryl Fleming (Monday, February 07 22 04:42 am GMT)
Thank you David. I will look into this. I did make a mistake, she was my 6x great grandmother not 5 times. Looking at the will the names do fit. My Elizabeth had two brothers, William and James and a sister, Catherine. There were three other sisters, Mary and Abigail, twins who died a few days after birth and also Martha who also died a few days after birth.
Ggg (Monday, January 31 22 03:06 pm GMT)
Hi Cheryl. I think this is the Will of Elizabeth’s father. William was born in Staunton on Arrow. The Staunton on Arrow branch of Greenlys can trace back hundreds of years. The address below is to an Ancestry tree - search for John Greenly 1718 - 1777 as a good place to find William.
Regards David (site owner)
GREENLY, William - of the p'ish of Titley co. Hereford, yeom(an), 11 Aug 1721. my wife, my son James GREENLY and my daughter Elizabeth GREENLY; my daughter Katherine JONES; Mr. John PASSEY; my grandson Andrew GREENLY; my grandaughter Elizabeth[1] (under 21); my daughter in law Mary GREENLY[2] - 20s. provided she shall continue sole and unmarried[3]. The mark of William GREENLY, with: Witnesses: Jon GREENLY (signed)[4]; the mark of Jon GRIFFITHS; the mark of Thomas JONES[5]. [1] Doesn't read like Elizabeth but she is the only known granddaughter and was baptised just 6 days before the will was written. [2] Mary was the widow of William's son, William jnr. [3] Mary's husband William jnr had died in 1721, just 5 days before this will was written - the day after the baptism of his daughter Elizabeth! [4] Believed to be John GREENLY of Titley Court, Lord of the Manor. [5] Presumed to be the husband of William's daughter Katherine. William was buried on 22 Aug 1721, 14 days after his son was buried. Not Proved until 2 Jul 1723. William's personal estate valued at just £4 13s.
Contribute to David's family tree on Ancestry.
Cheryl Fleming (Monday, January 31 22 04:32 am GMT)
My great grandmother x5 was Elizabeth Greenly born in Titley in 1689. She married a Thomas Gore. Her parents were William and Catherine and she had six siblings, three of which died as babies. I am struggling to find which branch of the Greenly's she came from, do you know of a family tree done in the tree format that I can refer to? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
José A. Pérez Díez (University of Leeds) (Sunday, June 20 21 11:32 pm BST)
Hello there! I recently bought a copy of the first edition of Sir Kenelm Digby's autobiography, first published in 1827. The copy belonged to the eminent literary critic Philip Edwards (1923–2015), and I bought it second-hand. It also has the coat of arms of the Greenly family with the stag and the 'Fal y gallo' motto in the Ex Libris bookplate, under the name 'E. H. Greenly', who signed it on the title page in a rather shaky hand, with the date 1838. I was just wondering what he/she might have been and I stumbled on this page. I have had a look around, and I don't seem to find a clear referent. Please feel free to email back! Thanks for the website too.
Christopher James Coffin (Saturday, May 22 21 06:22 pm BST)
I was glad to find your site as I was looking for information about Titley Court and Lady Coffin-Greenly (Elizabeth Greenly. Her husband Sir Isaac Coffin is my 4xgreat uncle. I see that at one point you describe him as a Lord (he was a Baronet) and another as Isaac Greenly, should be Coffin or Coffin-Greenly, the name they took on marriage. I note that both died in the same year; he was buried in Cheltenham - is she also buried there? I'd be interested to hear from you.
David Greenly Site Owner (Friday, February 12 21 04:56 pm GMT)
To John Greenlee,
Hi John, did you see the PDF that gives you some amazing background on the site (just above Laurel and Hardy video). Records go back to around 950AD and records battles against the Danes before the Battle of Hastings in 1066.
The family were also at the Battle of Agincourt.
Please download the PDF and this link is also useful
John Miller Greenlee (Friday, February 12 21 01:54 pm GMT)
I heard from my mother that two brothers were in the Battle of Hastings. Does this fit the Greenly family history?
Terry Cooke-Davies (Monday, January 25 21 07:18 am GMT)
I find that I am related to members of the Greenly family through both my father and my mother. My father's maternal grandmother was Ellen Greenly (1855 to 1912) who was married to Charles Cooke Snr. (1845 - 1925). He was boatman/coachman to Rosy Roosevelt and had twelve children, some born in America and some in Wales. My mother's paternal grandmother was Mary Ann Greenly (1850 - 1911) who was married to Robert H. Hockey (1843 - ?). May Ann Greenly and Ellen Greenly were sisters, whose parents were Benjamin Greenly (1826 - 1876) and Catherine Lewis (1830 - 1900). I'd love to connect this branch of the Greenlys to the larger family tree on this site. Can anyone help?
By the way, my web site contains no family history information - it is simply a record of my own researches in my professional and vocational fields, and a way of introducing myself.
Jacqueline Hatton (Tuesday, January 12 21 08:26 pm GMT)
My parents worked for General Greenly in the early to mid 1950s. My father was gamekeeper and my mother was cook. We lived in the cottage at the bottom of the drive by the side of Titley Court.The surname was Bufton.Dads family lived at The Square on the Kington Road, having previously lived at Turning Ways , up from School Lane in Titley.I recall the deer park, the Well walk behind our house and the stone mounting block to the rear of the "big house ".Titley had a schoool then and a village shop together with a "proper" pub- The Stagg.Wonderful memories of a lovely existence. I am nearly 70 now but still remember those days with great fondness. I can't believe that The Court is now owned by someone other than the Greenleys- so very sad. No reply expected , I just wanted express my thoughts. Jacqui Hatton ( no connection with Alison Hatton )
Tom Wall (Sunday, December 13 20 02:45 pm GMT)
Do you by any chance have a photo of a portrait of Elzabeth Greenly (1771-1839)?
Linda (Tuesday, September 22 20 07:37 pm BST)
Just to enquire if you have any staff records in your archives? My husbands great grandfather worked as a Butler for the Greenleys and appears on the 1881 Census at Titley. Any relevant information would be much appreciated.
Ryan John Greenley (Tuesday, August 04 20 03:24 am BST)
Hello, my name is Ryan John Greenley. I have lost all connections to my Greenley family after my father (Howard Greenley) and grandfather (John Greenley) both passed. I do have many family possessions that have matching crests and Fal-y-gallo on them. Hoping to find a way to reconnect in anyway with my past. Please reach out via email. Thank you.
Brian Roy Rosen (Sunday, July 26 20 01:44 am BST)
British geologists (including myself) were due to celebrate the centenary of Edward Greenly's outstanding and important geological map of Anglesey this month (July 2020) but this has had to be postponed because of the coronavirus crisis. In the meantime, as I am also a railway enthusiast, I have been wondering what the family relationship was of Edward Greenly to his contemporary railway engineer relative Henry Greenly.
G Grindlay (Tuesday, June 30 20 08:26 am BST)
Dear David.
Excellent site you have put together here. Well done. I have been doing some research into my own family, namely Grindlay (or Grindley - it’s seems to have vacillated over time) and I have come across a number of sources are saying it was originally ‘Greneleye’.
I was wondering if you have ever come across Grindlay/Grindley in your research?
Laurice Nutt(Greenly) (Tuesday, May 26 20 11:57 am BST)
Hi I'm have nearly completed my tree my gggfather was Rev John Greenly(1777-1862), my ggf Edward Loder whom went to South Africa.gf Edward Prosser born SA 1905 and my father John Loder.. I have William Greenly1742 married to a Susannah??
Tim Hadland (Friday, May 22 20 06:58 pm BST)
Hi David. I came across this site whilst looking into the history of my classic 1960 Triumph Herald. It was once owned by John Owen H Greenly of Titley Court, Kington. It is all still original and had many optional extras fitted, almost certainly from new including two front spot lights. It also has old metal GB letters on the boot lid so presumably travelled abroad sometime too. Looks like it left the Greenly family in 1987. Cheers
Andrew Prockter (Wednesday, April 29 20 10:17 pm BST)
I am writing a book about the British Military Mission to Romania between 1917 and 1920 and your website confirms my belief that your ancestor John Henry Maitland Greenly was a member of the mission. There is no reference to him in the National Archives catalogue although I have found references to records of the other members of the mission there.
David Matthews (Saturday, March 28 20 12:57 pm GMT)
Hi David. David Matthews here. Semi-retired these days and 'back in the game' after a 10 year absence from the genealogy scene. Would love to cathc up as you seem to have accumulated a lot of information since we were last in touch.
David Greenly (site owner) (Wednesday, February 19 20 09:10 am GMT)
Hi Jennifer and Barrie. Great to see you find the site and that its peaked some curiosity - which was my intention for the site.
I'll point you at two sections:
The History of Greenly / Greenlee in America
Greenlee Ancestry.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [41.0 MB]
Note - its a huge download but well worth the effort as its unparalleled in its information of spelling differences across the water.
Also, https://www.greenlyhistory.com/greenly-s-in-america-canada/john-greenly-of-ireland/
Hope this helps. David
The History of Greenly / Greenlee in America
Greenlee Ancestry.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [41.0 MB]
Jennifer (Tuesday, February 18 20 09:27 pm GMT)
Hi again, sorry, maybe a bit more information would be helpful :)
As far as I can tell my ancestors came straight to Canada from England. The first being:
Francis Greenlay
BIRTH 19 MAR 1809, England
DEATH 19 MAY 1876, Inverness Township, Quebec
Any information on this line would be very appreciated!
Jennifer (Tuesday, February 18 20 04:59 pm GMT)
Hi there, just came across this website. My last name is Greenlay; wondering if you think this information applies to my family line? Any information would be great :)
Barrie Evans (Sunday, February 16 20 06:53 pm GMT)
Greenlee was my mother's name, but from Ireland (county Monaghan), though very possibly over from Scotland. David, can you tell me the source of the information about the two Greenlee brothers and King Alfred? Interesting that the Coat of Arms uses Welsh, but explained by the fact that Herefordshire was largely Welsh-speaking for many centuries.
Dale Greenly (Thursday, January 02 20 01:08 am GMT)
Hey David, I've been coming to your site for a while now. I took a deep dive into my family history and found that we share a common ancestor. I'm also a descendant of Richard Greenly and Hannah Bradford. It's incredible how deep and diverse our family story is. Thank you for your time and effort in putting this website. Cheers from the US.
Pam (Saturday, November 30 19 05:52 pm GMT)
Hi David
WOW! Such a lot of info to digest. I saw somewhere on the website mention of Scudamore. Last night I noticed on the 1881 census that William, Anne and Agnes Scudamore ( Gloucester) were boarding with Thomas and Isabella Watkins. The address is either Much Birch/Dewchurch. Is there any connection or could you guide me to were I could clarify if my Watkins and the Greenly Watkins are the same. Much aprreciated for any help
Best regards
David Site Owner (Friday, November 29 19 08:13 pm GMT)
Hi Pam. I’d say yes there is a connection. If you look at the Greenly wills section you see the Watkins name mentioned in several wills for Greenlys or others. Note the spelling may vary a bit.
Thank you.
Pam (Friday, November 29 19 11:21 am GMT)
Hi there,what a fantastic website. Wondering if you could help in any way. Am researching the Watkins line on my Dads side. Have traced back to a Thomas Watkins abt 1801 in Much Birch. Do you know if the Watkins in the Greenly family connected to the above mentioned. Thanks Pam
Shirley Greenly Chretien (Thursday, November 14 19 04:31 am GMT)
Thanks for your work! As a fourth-generation Texan, I find our family's English history particularly fascinating, as it is so far removed from the life I know.
debra m shelby (Monday, October 28 19 12:27 am GMT)
The children of Shadrach Greenly and Nancy Walden and approximate birth years are as follows:
Martin Greenly,1848
Aaron Greenly, 1849
Jesse Greenly, 1851
Henry Greenly, 1856
Mary Ann Belle Greenly-Griffith, 1857-1947,
Belinda Greenly, 1858
Laura Greenly, 1859,
Melvena Greenly, 1861,
Flora Greenly, 1864,
Ida Emma Greenly, 1869-1945
I am a descendant of Mary Belle Greenly-Griffith.
Ida Emma Greenly purchased the cemetary plots for her and her parents at Mound Grove Cemetery in Kankakee, Illinois.
debra shelby (Friday, July 19 19 01:37 am BST)
Hello, Fold3 for Shadrach Greenly displays a letter Shadrach sent to the Adjutant General during the Mexican-American War. Shadrach was inquiring about his brother William Greenly.
Steve Greenly (Friday, May 03 19 11:26 pm BST)
Hi David. My name is Steve Greenly and I am the great, great grandson of Emanuel B Greenly. I will be in England in August and want to see some of the Greenly Family history. I'll attach my email. Maybe we can touch base before I head that way. Thanks.
David Greenly Site Owner (Monday, April 15 19 07:09 am BST)
Ref Rev'd John Greenly's grandchildren - Cholera was the likely cause of death - there was a major outbreak in 1855 (the cause - dirty water - had only just been found in London in 1854).
1855 - Edith, Ellen, Mary & Rachel (see below comment for full names).
Although John and family lived in the cathedral close - its probable that cholera victims (assume there were many in Salisbury) were buried in a special site. Try the Salisbury museum for any information that they may have?
John's full duties were
Head Master of the Choristers’ School (1812-1846)
Vicar Choral and Vicar of the Close1812-1862)
He was also Perpetual Curate of St Thomas’ Church Salisbury (1821-1862)
so you could look into St Thomas' church records also.
Kind regards, David
Chris Macey (Saturday, April 13 19 10:59 am BST)
The Greenly memorial in Salisbury Cathedral says four grandchildren of John and Mary died in the Close within one month in 1855. Does anyone know the cause of death? Even better if anyone knows the names and ages of the deceased? From chrismacey@live.co.uk
Graham Adams (Wednesday, April 10 19 11:30 am BST)
Dear sir,
Could you please help me. I am trying to research the whereabouts of the graves of four Greenly children that dies almost together in June/July 1855.
I have tried Salibury Cathedral where your ancestor Rev. John Greenly was a priest. On the memorial tablet in the cathedral cloisters it mentioned that four of his grandchildren died within one month. It also mentioned "in the close"
I have their names, but nothing else:
Rachel Kathryn
Mary Frances
Ellen Emma
Edith Laurence Freke
All with the surname of Greenly.
Can you help please I am very interested.
I do hope to hear from you.
Gareth Winrow (Tuesday, April 09 19 12:18 pm BST)
Hello, I am researching the Hornby family. In the 1901 Canada census a Francis E. Hornby was listed as the adopted son of Richard Swain and Kate Swain (daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Greenly). I wonder if you have more information on this?
Scott Kraus (Sunday, March 17 19 05:06 pm GMT)
Any connection to the Greenley/Greenlay family of Yorkshire? In the late 1600s there was a Richard, Thomas and William there.
David Matthews (Tuesday, March 05 19 08:53 am GMT)
Hi David, David Matthews here. I'll be semi-retiring soon and intend to pick up where I left off the best part of 10 years ago. I would be interested to compare notes at some point, particularly any new information you may have uncovered. Hope all well with you.
David Greenly to Rev'd Lynda Sebbage (Monday, February 18 19 11:04 am GMT)
Dear Lynda, I have sent you some details via email. Just confirming that you saw the link on the site to all things Rev John Greenly related -
I also have a book which maybe of interest to you - The Sea Chaplains (Gordon Taylor) 1978 - this makes reference to Rev John Greenly - Chaplain HMS Revenge at the Battle of Trafalgar.
Kind regards, David
David Greenly (site owner) - To Melanie Bigold (Monday, February 18 19 10:57 am GMT)
Dear Melanie, I have written to you via email with some contact information which I hope is useful. Also, at the bottom of this page is a picture of the library. Please do keep us posted on any updates, regards David
Rev'd Lynda Sebbage (Saturday, February 16 19 07:01 pm GMT)
Hello. This is a great site. I am researching into some of the chaplains who served with Lord Nelson as an article that will be published in a book later this year for an historical society - The 1805 Club. I wonder if you have any specific information I can use to be included on your ancestor Rev'd John Greenly please? I would be very grateful and would give due acknowledgement.
I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you! Lynda
Melanie Bigold (Friday, February 15 19 06:07 pm GMT)
Dear David,
Thank you for your very informative website and for all the details about the Greenly family history.
I am currently researching a book on women's libraries in the seventeenth and eighteenth century and came across your account of Elizabeth Greenly. In particular, I was intrigued by the fact that she designed the library at Titley Court. Very few examples of female-designed (let alone owned) libraries exist for this period! Do you know who are the current owners of Titley Court and how one might get in touch with them?
I live close by - in Worcester - and very much hope I might view the library! I also wonder if you know if anyone in the family retained a copy of contents of the library? The auction catalogue I have found is clearly not the full collection.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my message and I look forward to hearing from you.
With best wishes,
Rodney Kerr (Friday, February 08 19 10:12 am GMT)
Does anyone know the ancestry of Hannah Ann Bradford?
Dale Greenly (Sunday, February 03 19 05:26 am GMT)
I see the site has been updated since I looked last about a year ago! Looks good! My end of the Greenly line resides in New Hampshire, USA, but I recently moved to Indianapolis, Indiana with my wife, daughter, and grandkids.
Lisa A Greenlee (Thursday, October 04 18 05:46 pm BST)
Thank you for sharing all of this information! I am one of the American Greenlees. (Yes, the spelling got morphed when it crossed the pond.) I know all Greenlees are related as we are not a huge number. Through Facebook, I have connected with some in Oklahoma, Illinois,Pennsylvania, Michigan, as well as Indiana. I know some traveled through Virginia while others went through Pennsylvania. I have heard about some Greenlees who are Black (African American), which tells me one of my ancestors had a plantation. It was common practice for liberated former slaves to take the last name of the slave's former owner. I hope to find the actual path of connection between my end of the line back to England.
Carole Preston (Sunday, July 22 18 06:52 pm BST)
Hello Mr Greenly
I know your work is mainly on your family but did you come across any reference to Henry Ferrers born at Titley Abbey, as I am researching that family
t briand (Sunday, June 17 18 08:45 pm BST)
I'm looking for Gerald greenly family.
debra m shelby (Friday, June 15 18 02:16 am BST)
Shadrach Greenly's military service dates are 8/9/1862-6/20/1865.
Debra Shelby (Thursday, June 14 18 03:42 am BST)
Shadrach Greenly's military service entry date is 8/9/1862 in Kankakee, IL. The muster in date is 10/1/1862 in Kankakee, IL. The muster out date is 6/20/1865 in Memphis, TN.
Debra Shelby (Wednesday, June 13 18 04:45 am BST)
Shadrach Greenly parent's names are unknown. He was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The names of his three brothers are William, Jesse, and Meshach. His first wife was Elizabeth Lott. They got married in 1841 in Vigo County, Indiana. The names of their two children are Sarah and William. Shadrach's second wife is Nancy Walden. They got married in 1846 in Vigo County, Indiana. Shadrach is my 4th maternal great grandfather.
ANNETTE BOLTON (Thursday, January 18 18 12:01 pm GMT)
To David Greenly,
Following up my previous message, I find my Great Grandfather lived at Chestnut Cottage, by Titley Court. As a horticulturalist, he is thought to have developed the tomato as we know it today. He left Titley to work as Head Gardner for Mr Joey Ansell at their Brewery in Birmingham. I have also found my copy of the 1958 conveyance between John Owen Howard Greenly when the Shawl Estate was sold and a conveyance dated 1965 when he sold Shawl Cottages numbers 1 and 2, my cottage.
Thank you for the suggestion of the Woolhope Club. Unfortunately, they did not respond to the request for information sent to them.
Annette Bolton
To Annette Bolton from David Greenly (site owner) (Saturday, December 09 17 01:07 pm GMT)
Hi Annette, It's highly likely that there was a connection with Titley Court - Lady Greenly owned many of the cottages in Titley and Staunton. Whilst Titley had many servents and these are recorded in the Census as living at Titley - it's probable that gardeners were local folk. You could try this website for further information as Titley Court owners were members of the club. http://www.woolhopeclub.org.uk/
Regards, David Greenly
Annette Bolton (Friday, December 08 17 11:07 pm GMT)
I am searching for details of my Great Grandfather Frederick John Jackson who was born and christened in Titley in 1869 and living in Chestnut Cottage. He worked as a gardener/horticulturalist and I would love to know if it was in Titley, maybe at the Court.
David Bromwich (Thursday, November 09 17 03:08 am GMT)
slight difference in second name in probate and other docs. It gives a value of the estate. I have a distant link (also to Nelson):
GREENLY Charles Williams Esq. 18 June [1878]. The Will of Charles Williams Greenly late of Titley
Court in the County Of Hereford Esquire who died 10 May 1878 at Titley Court was proved at Hereford by
Edward Howorth Greenly of Titley in the said County Esquire the Son the sole Executor.
Personal Estate under £80,000.
Resworn October 1878 under £90,000.
Message for Alisdair Greenly (Thursday, September 07 17 06:17 pm BST)
Hi Alisdair, yes I can confirm that Reverand John Greenly was at the Battle of Trafalgar - https://www.greenlyhistory.com/famous-people-battles-places/battle-of-trafalgar/
Did you also see the message from Annabel Shaw below?
Finally an image of Rev. John Greenly's memorial in Salisbury Cathedral.
Regards, David Greenly (site owner).
Alisdair Lindsey Greenly (Tuesday, September 05 17 05:27 pm BST)
Looking for heritage - father Edward Prosser Greenly born Barbaton South Africa. Mother May Greenly née Lindsey born 30th April 1907 born Pietermaritzburg S.A.. It is understood G.G.G.G.G.Grandfather Padra HMS Revenge at battle of Trafalgar. Looking for confirmation. I was born in Kenya on 7 Sept. 1945. Kind Regards Al
Message for Alison Hatton from site owner (Monday, August 28 17 05:34 pm BST)
Hi Alison. I believe that Lady Greenly's Diaries are held by Hereford Records Office. Regards, David Greenly.
Message for Debra Shelby from site owner (Monday, August 28 17 05:32 pm BST)
Hi. Can you tell us anything about Shadrach? In his photo he looks like a military man? I'm guessing from the Civil War?
Thanks, David
Debra Shelby (Monday, August 28 17 03:33 am BST)
Hi, Shadrach Greenly is my 3rd maternal great grandfather.
Sharon Hall Shipp (Thursday, August 10 17 06:03 pm BST)
I hope you know about Alice Greenly's house in Presteigne, Radnorshire?Built for Miss Greenly around 1883 and called Clatterbrune House. It has "AG" over the doorway. The house is now split into two. The larger portion is still called Clatterbrune House and the smaller one Clatterbrune West. Clatterbrune House was sold last year and the listing can still be seen at http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-44978226.html Our property backs on to the garden.
Alison Hatton (Tuesday, August 08 17 08:28 pm BST)
I wonder if you can tell me where I might be able to access Elizabeth Greenly's diaries. I understand she visited and wrote about various country houses and estates in Herefordshire. I am part of a group researching the history of the Fishpool Valley at Croft and would be very interested if she wrote of any visits she made.
Andrew Pay (Friday, July 28 17 08:26 pm BST)
I wonder if you could assist me regarding Walter Howorth Greenly. My particular interest is in the unfortunate period when he took command of the 14th (Light) Division in March 1918. The War Diaries make very little reference to him apart from visiting the troops along with General Couper whom he replaced, although separate visits, never together. There are a few references from FM Haig saying that he lost his head with the strain after a period of only a few days. There is very sparse information regarding Walter in this period, with his Eton, Who Was Who etc. entries not even mentioning his command of the 14th Division at all. Any help or guidance you might be able to help me with would be very gratefully received.
Mandi Abrahams (Friday, July 28 17 12:56 am BST)
Thank you for all this David. I wonder why he was buried in Llangristiolus, that's quite a way from where they lived. I think Bangor University has a good oil portrait of him too. One thing Fal Y Gallo would appear to be based on Welsh rather than ancient English Fal = fel ('as' in modern Welsh) gallo = gallu (to be able to/can). I think you mention somewhere that Elizabeth collected old Welsh books as part of her library. Thanks again, Mandi
David Greenly (Site Owner) (Sunday, July 23 17 11:37 am BST)
Hi Mandi
Edward Greenly met Ann Bernard (1852-1927) when he was very young, in 1875. They married in 1891. Annie studied geology informally, and was a contributor to Edward's work as an assistant and editor. She created the massive index to the Anglesey survey. (Her handwritten draft, with papers strung on thread, is now in the National Museum of Wales.)
After the Anglesey survey, the Greenlys lived in Bangor, and worked together on a small textbook, The Earth, right before Annie's death in 1927. Edward died in 1951, age 90. His remains are with his wife's, in a churchyard at Llangristiolus.
Edward Greenly endowed the Annie Greenly Fund with the Geological Society, to support mapping projects.
Bangor University holds a small collection of papers and letters belonging to Greenly.
Annie's role is also highlighted here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ann_Greenly
Hope that helps, regards David.
Mandi Abrahams (Friday, July 21 17 12:14 pm BST)
Thank you so much for making this site. I am interested in Edward Greenly the geologist as I live on Anglesey.
Matt Greenly (Monday, February 27 17 11:04 pm GMT)
David, did you know the contents of Titley library are on eBay?
A sad end to that mighty house and its contents
Julian McCarthy (Sunday, December 18 16 04:13 pm GMT)
I live in Kingston and have been researching Norbiton Hall and Place as well as Elmfield owned by Peregrine Fury.
Can you please clarify the references you make to Anne Phillips and Edward Greenly (see 1750) as the page cuts off.
Who was Anne Phillips in relation to Sir John ?
Any details would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks
Jason Greenly (Thursday, December 08 16 06:02 am GMT)
I might be able to assist with some additional Greenly Family history pertaining to Greenly's from Delaware USA. IE. Orlando David Greenly was my great uncle and a member of Darby's Rangers durring WWII
Christine Sanderson (Saturday, November 19 16 03:39 pm GMT)
Hi my name is Christine Sanderson and I do research for 78 Derngate The Bassett-Lowke House. I did not see very much on your site about the many books and magazines that Henry Greenly was involved in, namely the Model Railways and Locomotives Magazine that Henry Greenly set up with Bassett-Lowke in January 1909. I have a copy of it and also quite a few of the subsequent issues. If you would like a scan of it please let me know. I also have a copy of the book you mention The Miniature world of HenryGreenly and also Greenlys Model Steam Locomotives Designs and Specifications and his Model Electric Locomotives book. He was a truly amazing man and you must feel very proud to be related to him.
Best Regards
Christine Sanderson
Anthony M Greenly (Monday, October 03 16 08:22 pm BST)
Hello! Always a pleasure to converse with a long lost cousin, especially one so well versed in our family's history. I'll absolutely be looking up that advertising trust! Thanks ever so much for the
David Greenly (Site Owner) - Message to Anthony (Monday, October 03 16 07:29 pm BST)
Hi and thanks. Your grandfather is someone I'd love to have met. He was clearly a visionary in the world of advertising. I'd highly recommend that you contact The History of Advertising Trust
(http://www.hatads.org.uk/catalogue/record/e5ed6b3e-8601-40df-a57c-1bca8b2d2a92) as they have records relating to Greenlys Advertising. They are based in Norfolk and would be well worth a visit.
Regards, David.
Anthony M Greenly (Monday, October 03 16 04:53 pm BST)
Great site! I'm quite interested in the history contained about my family. My name is Anthony M Greenly, Arthur J Greenly was my great grandfather. Ive heard some of these things over the years from
my grand father and father. But over all have very little information about the family before my great grand fathers untimely death following which I've been told there was some sort of confusion
that lead to my grand fathers inheritance being given to some great aunt or something. And my branch of the family's subsequent move to America. Apparently there where some hard feelings at the time
for obvious reasons, but more importantly meant I know very little about the rest of the family. Glad to see someone has recorded all of this information and made it avalible.
David Greenly - Message for Jen Davies (Saturday, July 30 16 11:38 am BST)
Dear Jen, I have asked a Greenly with Titley Court connections about your William Owen query. Regards, David Greenly
Jen Davies (Saturday, July 30 16 10:11 am BST)
I tried to write yesterday but think it disappeared so here goes again. My research project is about the LUDLOW BORN ARTIST WILLIAM OWEN (1769-1825). I recently bought a landscape painting signed W
Owen and said to have been bought from the Greenley family of titley court. Have you any information about this. I would love to know if there was any connection between Owen and the Greenleys or
even just that they did own and then sell this picture. Please help. Jen
Simon S Greenly (Saturday, July 02 16 11:08 am BST)
It may interest Greenly people that Greenly's Ltd is still owned by a Greenly.
And it is flourishing as a leader in its niche. I am the grandson of the engineer Henry Greenly and Arthur Greenly (founder of Greenly,'s) was my Great Uncle
Sarah young (Friday, February 26 16 09:06 pm GMT)
Fascinated to come across this. My grandfather worked for Greenlys advertising in I guess late 30's to 50's - no real idea. I think as an accountant. But I do have a photo of him with craven a s that
I was told was an advertising shot that would tie in with one of your brands. Would love to know more...
Caroline (Wednesday, February 17 16 02:16 pm GMT)
I have just bought a book with WH Greenly book plate and crest and signature.
Any offers?
Caroline (Wednesday, February 17 16 02:13 pm GMT)
I have just acquired a book, Dictionary of Foreign Phrases and Classical Quotations with a Greenly book plate with family crest and signature of WH Greenly.
Any offers?
David Greenly (Site Owner) (Sunday, January 24 16 04:24 pm GMT)
Jonathan, Please download the Greenlee / Greenly PDF from this homepage. It's quite a large file but you should find some information in its 1000 pages. Regards (David Site Owner).
Jonathon Vaughn (Sunday, January 24 16 10:06 am GMT)
Hello thank you for all the research you have done. I was wondering if you might have any information on Dr. Julian Greenlee or his father Julian Greenly who was born in Illinois around 1877. I
cannot find any information on my great grandfathers father. Dr. Julian Greenlee is my direct great grandfather his daughter Marilyn Greenlee Pigott was my Grandmother. Thank you
David Greenly (Site Owner) (Sunday, January 17 16 09:32 pm GMT)
Patrick, did you see the link to the Greenly's Video on the home page?
Also, please click on the www.hatads.org link - this is the History of Advertising Trust (based in Norfolk) who hold original papers connected to Greenlys. They may be able to help you.
And see comments below as some relate to Greenlys Advertising. David.
Patrick Elliott (Sunday, January 17 16 08:08 pm GMT)
My grandfather, David O'Connell (1895-1976) was, I believe, Art Director of Greenly's Ltd, the advertising firm in the 1930s. I don't know when he started or finished. I read in a book on the
printmaker Iain MacNab that he commissioned work from artists such as John Armstrong and Graham Sutherland. The family are doing doing some research on him and his work and we'd love to know more
about his time at Greenly's. So if anyone knows, or can point us in the right direct to do further research, we'd be much obliged. Thank you.
Robert A. Greenly (Wednesday, September 23 15 03:17 pm BST)
Just found more research for you. Greenly V. Woolen, 1869
Greenly V. Woolen was a 19 years old medical student living in the village of Lawrence in
Marion County in the 1860 Census. He was an Assistant Surgeon with the 27th Indiana Infantry
during the Civil War. On 1 July 1866, he was appointed Superintendent of the City Hospital in
Indianapolis. He served in that capacity for four years. He lived in the Hospital for some time but the
1870 U.S. Census had him living at 20 West Ohio in Indianapolis. He was listed in the 1874-1875
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Indiana faculty as a lecturer on Minor Surgery.
derek greenly (Tuesday, June 09 15 12:51 am BST)
Hi David
Greetings from New Zealand. Just discovered a second Greenly in NZ - and will try and make contact with her, I believe she is English.
richard greenly (Friday, May 15 15 02:47 am BST)
Hi, great site, my name is Richard David Greenly, from San Francisco CA. USA My Dad is Richard Ray Greenly, Lovelock Colorad0, his Dad was Earl Francis Greenly and his dad Sigrid Greenly from Norway.
I tried to get into the part of your site "850 Greenlys in USA" but couldn't. Any connection to your tree?
Jane Stubbs (Greenly) (Sunday, May 03 15 08:43 pm BST)
It has been very interesting reading your website. I know some of the Greenly history, I am related to the engineer Henry Greenly. I visited Titley, St Peter's Church and the Stagg Inn, many years
ago with my parents, shortly after my Uncle investigated our family history. My parents have a picture of Edward and Louisa Greenly, as they are related to my father.
Major Thomas Greenly (Sunday, April 19 15 10:42 pm BST)
Albany, September 7, 1812. Sir: My absence from this place prevented my receiving your letteruntilthisday. AccordingtoyourrequestIshallexcuse
you from serving as Inspector of General Miller\'s detached Brigade of Militia and for the purpose of supplying your place- have ordered on Stephen Lush, Junr, Esqr.
Major Thomas Greenly.
Lord Puttnam of Queensgate, C.B.E. Shark Awards (Sunday, April 19 15 10:30 pm BST)
It’s a genuine pleasure to have the opportunity to speak to you this afternoon.
Over the next 25 minutes or so I’d like to take a crack at the subject of ‘change in the digital world’ by attempting to sell you Puttnam’s Five Laws of Creative Leadership; building on what I’ve
learned from my own experience in a variety of business\'s - cultural and creative.
But I thought I\'d start with a personal story concerning the pace and nature of \'change\'.
In the Spring of 1961 I’d recently joined an Advertising Agency named Greenly’s (you\'ve got to be as old as me to have ever heard of it, but it was part of the then rather grandly named
‘Lonsdale Hands Group of Companies) I was a very \'wet behind the ears\' but embarrassingly enthusiastic Assistant Account Executive - the lowest form of Advertising life, working on - among other
things - the John Collier account –
the \'Window to Watch\' as our ads proudly claimed!
Message for James Duffie Dubhsithe (Saturday, December 13 14 06:12 pm GMT)
Hello James. Unfortunately, I have no record of any visit. I\'d be keen to add the photograph to the website. Kind regards, David Greenly.
James Duffie Dubhsithe (Saturday, December 13 14 02:13 pm GMT)
Good afternoon. My partner, Annie Clarke, has a photograph of an H L Reed, VC taken, she thinks at Titley Court in the 1920s or 30s. It shows a Master of Foxhounds along with various others. Annie is
from a Worcestershire/Marches family who are/were all huntsmen in one way or another.
I wonder if you have any record of Reed VC visiting Titley?
George Davidson Greenly Jr. (Wednesday, September 17 14 04:44 pm BST)
Great job Sir.
Message for Alan Munden (from David Greenly) (Monday, August 25 14 12:59 pm BST)
Rev John Greenly is the Greenly who served at Trafalgar and was also a minor cannon at Salisbury Cathedral and also Shorncote.
On leaving the Senior Service, John Greenly became Minor Canon at Salisbury Cathedral. At the time of his death on 1 December 1862, he was Curate of St. Thomas and Rector of Sharncote,
There is more in this section of the site - http://greenlyhistory.com/famous-people-battles-places/battle-of-trafalgar/
David Greenly
alan munden (Wednesday, August 20 14 08:47 pm BST)
Could you kindly help me with research into Rev John Greenly of Trafalgar fame, Salisbury and Shorncote (the same person?)
Thomas L Jankowski (Greenly) (Monday, August 11 14 11:36 pm BST)
I've enjoyed this very much. We have much information on family history in the USA but not much before the1800's in Europe. I wish to share any info to those interested.
P H A Musters (Monday, August 04 14 02:32 pm BST)
Reference Ann Rosemary Garbett: She married JVA MusterS RN . Musters RN , ( ie with S on the end)He was 1st son of John Domville Auchmuty Musters RN. JVAM died in Nelson, New Zealand Feb '13 , See "
The Musters - A Family Gathering " in Nottingham rAchieves
sharon greenley_bzoski (Sunday, June 08 14 09:38 pm BST)
Shadrach b. Greenly is gr. grand, john gr gr grand any information would be greatly appreciated,this is my fathers grandpa @gr grandpa
Robin Maclean (Wednesday, June 04 14 10:59 am BST)
The photo of Mag Gen Walter H Greenly shows him wearing the cap badge of The Royal Scots Greys Regiment. Also wearing Greys lapel badges. But Greys did not wear the cross belt as shown in photo nor
do the Regimental museum records show his name as ever having served with the Greys.I am Museum Curator. Why is he wearing Greys uniform?
Message for Frances Smith (Sunday, March 30 14 08:19 am BST)
EBC is Elizabeth Brown Coffin Greenly. Lady Elizabeth Greenly also used Brown (her mothers surname) and Coffin (her husbands name, Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin Greenly).
Mowley is a little village next door to Titley, where Lady Greenly lived.
This picture is a current picture of the Old Farmhouse in Mowley. My guess is it's probably one in the painting.
Your paintings by Elizabeth are now in the 'Your Pictures and Story' section above. Elizabeth had painting shown at the National Academy in London and so was a regarded artist.
David Greenly (site owner)
Frances Smith (Sunday, March 30 14 08:08 am BST)
Thank you for your interest in the painting, I can tell you I am thrilled to have them and to know a little more about the artist.
The story is a little long and a miracle for me.
The mystery is I haven't any clue as to how my parents had them.
My Mum and dad lived in Manningtree Essex and lived there from about 1935, always had them on the wall. They were dirty as they had the fire place and they smoked, as a kid I always wanted to clean
them. I then married and left to go to the USA 1961.
When I went back in 1965 They didn't have them there and I never thought to ask where they were. I came back to USA in 1973. This Xmas I got a call from a friend from the past who I had been fairly
close with but lost touch. In the conversation she asked if I wanted my Mums paintings back. I had no clue what she was talking about. so in the explanation she said her husband now deceased had
bought my Mums paintings. (He was our best man and as far as I can tell never went to my Mums other that at the wedding and he married and came to the states three weeks after us. So I have to assume
he went back after I left to the states and got them !!!!) I asked where she lived and it was only about 150 miles away . So after Xmas I went over to hers and picked them up. I called my brother who
lives in Harwich and asked him if he knew what happened to the pictures and he said he didn't. When he heard I had them he was amazed and what a miracle . 50 years later and I have them here!!
Anyway they were in a bit of a mess. As they were painted on wood the frames were warped and they had painted the frames But I took them to a conservator who helped me make the frames a little more
secure and cleaned them up a bit.
On the back of one you can see fairly clearly the title and the address and her signature. The other is much harder to read and had half of a little label.
This photo is when I got them back. I will try and send a few more but I am not to good at doing this stuff so if you need more let me know.
Anyway the one on the left is the hard one to read . I think it says view of Old Oak Farm House Mosley?? Herefordshire
The one on the right that has the the stream in the front says Low Bank Rhiwlas, Titley Herefordshire. EBC Greenly.
I will send this to you and then send another E-mail with other photos.
Sorry long story but an amazing one.
Frances Smith
Rachel (Greenly) Booth (Sunday, March 30 14 07:43 am BST)
From: "raebeia ." <raebeia@gmail.com>
Date: 11 February 2014 23:25:27 GMT
To: GreenlyHistory <david.greenly@greenlyhistory.com>
Subject: Re: Greenly History
Dear David,
Your letter took me completely by surprise! I haven't looked at your website yet. I am looking forward to it when I have the time. A sad story about the little George III book. One morning my son
bounced me about a family history for school. "Today!". In a befuddled state,(I was just off work @ 7am) I reached into my drawer and pulled out that little pamphlet. I gave it to him along with dire
warnings about bringing it home safely. Long story short, he didn't.
The booklet was given to me by my Aunt Zella (Greenly) Boone. She died many years ago. Attempts to find another copy among the family members have been fruitless.
I would be more than happy to share any information I have with you. My life is a bit hectic right now, but I am sure things will right themselves and I will have time before too long. I will keep
your e-mail. Is that your phone # under your name? I travel a lot, but the home base is Iowa, USA.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
Rachel Booth
On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 3:11 AM, GreenlyHistory <david.greenly@greenlyhistory.com> wrote:
Dear Rachel,
I came across your post recently and would be very interested to know about the book that claims the link to George III.
Have you discovered my family history website yet? It would be great to post some of your history on there if you'd like?
Kind Regards
David Greenly, Norwich, England.
I am Sherman and Clara's granddaughter - Clyde's daughter. My Aunt Zella (Greenly) Boone sent me a booklet at one time, called "Greenly's Descended from George III". It was a genealogy and old. Do
you happen to know of it? I see you are in contact with Deb from your posts. Did she get back in touch with you? If so, would you pass my e-mail address on to her?
Alot to ask in the first contact, I know, but I have only a temp membership.
I'd appreciate your help and would try to fill in what info I have.
Rachel (Greenly) Booth
David Greenly
07941 848 966
Robert Greenly (Tuesday, February 25 14 09:08 pm GMT)
(Y.2014) Robert Alan Greenly (36): Son of Timothy Alan Greenly (65) and Janet Marshall Greenly (63), Brother of Dale (44) and Kraig Alan Greenly (46). Joined US Army Reserve as a Small Arms Repairman
in 1995,(at the age of 17 1/2). Discharged in 1997. Robert married Kristal Baron of Penacook, New Hampshire (1998, Re-Enlisted in the US Army in 1999 as a Computer Information Systems
Analyst/Operator. Robert then served in Operation Iraqi Freedom Jan. 2003 until Nov 2003 stationed at Camp Doha Kuwait. Discharged from US Army 2005 at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina honorably. Returned
to New Hampshire, divorced Kristal Baron Greenly and then left in November of 2005 for Louisville, Kentucky where Robert was married to Jennifer Rosell and had one child. Jennifer had already one
child (Andrew Arkenberg) from a previous marriage to a Johnathon Arkenberg. Robert Moved to Frankfort, Kentucky with his sons. divorced in 2011 from Jennifer Rosell. Robert's career field continued
to be in computers at Midway College in Midway, Kentucky.
Robert Greenly (Tuesday, February 25 14 08:47 pm GMT)
found this for you: http://www.fold3.com/document/96766/
Greenly's in Columbia 1887 (Thursday, February 13 14 06:42 am GMT)
GEORGE GREENLY, retired farmer, P. O. Sereno, was born November 22, 1824, in Herford County, England, and emigrated in 1832 from England to this State, with his parents, Richard and Hannah (BRADFORD)
GREENLY. They made their first location at Pottsville, and then located in Pine Township, October, 1832,; bought timber land, engaged in building and clearing land, and built a saw-mill on Wolfhouse
Run, getting on pretty well till June 29, 1836, when a great storm came; thunder and hail and hurricane-wind blew nearly all the timber down; fields of grain were destroyed and covered with rails and
trees and brush, and blew the barns down and spread them about the ground, and the flood washed the mill-dam partly down; house and family were in great danger; they fixed up as best they could and
wintered over till spring; much discouraged, they moved, May 10, 1837, to Port Carbon, near Pottsville; George stayed to take care of some loose property; five weeks later his father came back and
sold the land; got along well, but the man could not pay for the land and returned or threw the land on the parents in the winter of 1839. Through some panic, the parents moved back onto the same
place in Pine Township in the last week of March, 1841; engaged again in building, clearing land, farming and lumbering, and prospered and lived there till they passed away from old age; the mother
was eighty-one and the father eighty-eight years old; the mother died March 16,1873, and the father died in November, 1875. George GREENLY moved to his present location in Greenwood Township, March
20, 1855. In connection with his farming he has been engaged in lumbering to some extent, having a saw and shingle mill on his premises, where he manufactures shingles and does custom sawing. In
1858, in Pine Township, he married Melinda, a daughter of George WELLIVER, a descendant of one of the pioneer families of the county. Mr.
GREENLY has seven children living: Frank L., William, Emma, Howard, Charles, Anna M. and David. Frank L. is a resident of Sereno; William, one of the proprietors of a planning-mill in Millville;
Emma, wife of Wilson KINNEY. The remaining children are at home. Mr. GREENLY has been for several years retired from active life, and is a man of conservative principles both politically and
religiously.(History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle,1887, pg. 471)
Jennifer GREENLY (Sunday, February 02 14 09:20 pm GMT)
Hello My name is Jennifer Ann Greenly.
My fathers name is
Jeffrey Arthur Greenly.
he was born in Pennsylvania usa.
May 15 57/58 .. not exactly positive on the year..
He was a Marine.. in California.
Married my Mother Marie Greenly.
He passed away May 22 1979.. serving his country..
Really hard for me Just looking For my Fathers family .. If any GREENLYS
are familiar with this situation... OR KNOW HIM PLEASE contact Me thank u,
Annabel Shaw (Sunday, February 02 14 11:38 am GMT)
What a fantastic site! Really helpful to me in my search for clues. Since my immediate anscestors lived in South Africa I've found it difficult to trace them. I've got as far as Edward Loder Greenly
and Edith Josephine Cooke who were married in Booysens South africa in 1896 - I have the wedding invitation. My grandmother - Mary Greenly told me that she had traced the line directly to Rev. John
Greenly of Salisbury who, she said, was with Nelson on The Revenge. I am currently asking my siblings to let me have sight of any family papers/photos/memorabilia etc. to add to my own. We have a
number of items that bear the Greenly stag.
Thank you for this wonderful site and all the hard work you are sharing so freely. i will share everything i get and hope we can make some connections to get an accurate picture.
Adam McCune (Wednesday, January 29 14 12:57 am GMT)
Dear David,
I found your site in the course of research about Lord and Lady Oxford. Some of your information about the Oxford family is very exciting! Would you mind telling me a bit about your sources? (I would
be happy to reciprocate by providing you with any materials about Lord and Lady Oxford you might be interesting in!)
These are the sources that particularly caught my eye:
1. You quote a letter from Lady Oxford to Eliza Greenly ("You have always been candid in disbelieving wild reports and have been circumspect in your advice"). Do you have access to any of Lady
Oxford's letters? I would love to read them!
2. You quote a description of Lord Oxford's funeral from the diary of Gracilia Boddington. Is this diary only in manuscript, or has it been published in print?
3. You mention Queen Victoria offering the title of Earl of Oxford to Lady Charlotte's son, but that he refused. Where did you find this account?
Thank you so much for your amazing research!
All best,
Graham Vahey (Monday, January 27 14 06:05 pm GMT)
But are you the David Greenly of Higher Tranmere?
Maddy greenly (Thursday, January 16 14 06:28 am GMT)
Your website looks. Really good congrats on how many people have been on it.
Frances Smith (Thursday, January 09 14 08:39 pm GMT)
I have two paintings by Elizabeth Brown Coffin Greenly. Oil on wood. One is addressed on the back with her signature as Low Bank, Rhiwlasa, Titley Hereford. The other is hard to see I think it is Old
Oak Farmhouse It has Mosely on it as well. I have received these from My mother who had them both on the wall all of my life.
John Greenly (Sunday, December 15 13 03:15 am GMT)
I have just come across your website, thank you very much for making it. My grandfather was
Arthur John Greenly, the founder of Greenly's advertising agency. He had been trained as an engineer, and worked on steamships as engineering officer. He also held a very early US patent on hydraulic
control systems for aircraft, so he had some engineering skills in common with his brother Henry. I don't know how he came into the advertising business. Arthur died when my father, John Anthony
Greenly, was ten years old. He and his younger brother Colin later moved to the US with his mother, and initially they lived in Castine, Maine.
best regards,
John Greenly
James Greenly (Friday, November 29 13 09:52 pm GMT)
My name is James Greenly age 21. I live in New York about an hour north of NYC. Son of Lloyd F. Greenly Jr. I am wondering, you said all Greenlys are from the same tree at some point. Does that mean
I'm one of the Greenly clan?
Print Dresses (Sunday, October 27 13 02:19 am GMT)
Isaac Coffin was born in Boston, Massachusetts on 16 May 1759, into what would prove to be a strong loyalist family. He was the fourth and youngest son of the paymaster of the customs in the port,
Nathaniel Coffin.
David Hamilton-Muirhead (Friday, September 13 13 04:09 pm BST)
I am trying to trace the family of the late Maj. W. H. Greenly.
I process original photos and documents of the major's military career.
Deb Mathews (Monday, September 09 13 04:45 am BST)
Sarah Caroline Forster's (Edward Howorth Greenly's wife) older brother Bowes was my 2nd great grandfather. I have been trying unsuccessfully for some time to find a death record for Sarah and I was
wondering if you could help me out? I have read that she died in 1892. I haven't been able to find any mention of her (or her children) in the UK 1891 census either. Perhaps they were abroad? Also,
would it be possible to obtain a copy of the photo mentioned on this site of her, Edward & family at Titley Court?
Thank you!
David Greenley (Saturday, September 07 13 10:04 pm BST)
I was wondering, but I assume that Greenleys are related to Greenlys. I am looking to trace my family's history.
Jo Garbutt (Wednesday, August 21 13 10:36 pm BST)
Hi,are you the Dave Greenly that was looking for information about Annie Greenly (nurse Child)born in Chester?
She was my Great Grandmother. Thanks.
maddy ethan anna (Friday, August 16 13 05:03 pm BST)
great website great footage great everything !!!!!!!
Maddy greenly (Sunday, July 07 13 09:51 am BST)
Great website (LOVE IT ) can't wait to look at it again .
Madeline (Saturday, July 06 13 12:30 pm BST)
Hi daddy love your website
David Greenly (site owner) message for Stewart (Saturday, June 29 13 07:25 am BST)
Good morning Stewart,
Thank you for your message.
Did you notice the message below from Judith Jones regarding working at Greenlys?
Also, I assume you saw the the video of the Greenlys Agency on the 'start here' page.
Stewart Wavell-Smith (Saturday, June 29 13 02:10 am BST)
Thank you for this most informative site. I
had no idea how prestigious the Greenly Family was when I worked for the Agency in 1960 through 1963. I was an art director / assist group head, reporting to William (Bill) Helicar who was the
creative director. Roger Hargreaves, (the creator of Mr. Men & The Little Miss childrens books series) worked in the next cubical and wrote copy for many ads I created. It was a wonderful
experience and I treasure the time in the Commonwealth Building. Greenly's Advertising was part of the Richard Lonsdale-Hands Group, and in 1961 a promotion film was made and shows Roger Hargreaves
and makes reference to his doodling. I am trying to find any one alive from that time. Very Respectfully, Stewart Wavell-Smith. wavellsmith.com
derek greenly (Wednesday, May 15 13 02:32 am BST)
Ellie and I have been viewing the site again
Great stuff
maddy greenly (Friday, April 19 13 04:58 pm BST)
my and amarah enjoyed looking at your website . great website dad
maddy (Thursday, April 11 13 08:47 am BST)
great website dad it good for history
Tom Barnard (Sunday, March 03 13 07:26 pm GMT)
Dear David,
I have just discovered your Greenly family website.
My Grandmother was Lucy Margaret Greenly 1876 - 1940
Great Uncles Walter Howarth Greenly (Uncle Bob) and John (Jack) Maitland Greenly (My Godfather) I was meant to go into Babcok and Wilcox but got delayed by the Korean War, missed out on Cambridge and
anyway Jack died.
Also Aunts Alice, plus Ethel who lived at Titley with Bob.
We used to stay at Titley as children and were "Evacuated" there during the 1940 summer holidays when South Dorset was likely to be invaded.
Lovely farm horses.!
I returned to school near Swanage and got bombed twice !
Edward Howarth Greenly's wife, Sarah Caroline Forster, was descended from Lady Jane Bertie and my copy of the Plantagenet Roll of the Blood Royal traces our lineage back to Edward the Third and
thence to William 1st.
The Greenly line is fairly confusing due to the Allens. Charles Williams (1795- 1878) Henry (1754-1847) Rev. Henry ( ? -1710) and Rev Henry (1665- ?
Thanks to Henry's wife Charlotte Howarth, Harry Probert Howarth and Edward/ Henry ? Howarth we find that his wife was Alice Greenly daughter of John Greenly of Titley (1639-1729) and Dorothy Hopwood.
Thus the line down continue thanks to C.W.Allen changing his name.
I think my Greenly research stops at about mid 16th Century. I have been fairly busy and have traced over 20,000 DIRECT ANCESTORS for my four grandparents. No Uncles, Aunts, Cousins etc. I might
continue with this but it is time consuming and already fills ten huge files.
Must stop.
Best wishes.
Tom Barnard.
Dear David,
Thanks for your reply.
I wonder if any of this would be of interest.
My letter to John Harden of 2nd June 2009 re Greenly
His reply of June 24th 2009
This contains two pages about his researches back to 1640
Titley Greenly details as follows.
Greenly entries from 6th Dec 1573 to 17 June 1700
107 Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths
Greenly Marriages else where.
Staunton On Arrow. 8 Marriages 1583 - 1676
Presteigne. 4 Marriages 1603 - 1693
Orleton. I Marriage. 1607
Wigmore. 1 Marriage 1663
Burrington. 1 Marriage. 1672
Discoed. 1 Marriage. 1682
Greenly Probates. Diocese of Hereford.
16 from 1552 - 1684
Phillipe Greeneley of Titley 22 November 1656
Richard Greenly of Titley 1683
PCC Probates
1504 Philip Greneley of Moldeley
1583 John Grenley of Staunton on Arrow
1600 Richard Grenelie of Titley.
Best Wishes
Tom Barnard
David Greenly (Site Owner) to Ryan Greenley (Sunday, March 03 13 10:22 am GMT)
Dear Ryan
Thanks for making contact. I'm sure you'll find lots of insight on the site.
From the 'Start here ...' page please download the large book about Greenly's in America. The Greenly name was often misspelt on early records of emigrants to America.
Let us know how your research goes please, and, if you'd like to email me a picture of the ring for the site, you can email me directly at David.greenly@greenlyhistory.com.
Best Regards
Ryan John Greenley (Sunday, March 03 13 06:58 am GMT)
Hello - My name is Ryan John Greenley, I came upon this site after searching for a motto that exists on a family ring that was passed down to me after the passing of my Grandfather John Greenley (my
fathers name was Howard Greenley) the motto states "Fal y Gallo" and has the symbol of a leeping stag that is also found in the face of the ring. I did not know much about this ring except that it
has been in our family for many generations and I was asked to always wear it and keep it safe. After finding this page and seeing the stag I have more questions than ever before. I hope to find many
answers in this page and if you have any questions for me please feel free to reach out to me. My family is located in the state of Michigan of America
Michele Cooke (Monday, February 18 13 03:49 pm GMT)
Hi David
Thank you for your message. I have no information about the Rev john Greenly before his marriage to Mary Prosser. On the oxford university Alumni 1500-1886 site There are two other Greenly mentioned
as being from Titley court. Edward Howorth son of Charles William Allen (after Greenly). he was 18 in 1855. The other is a William son of John of Titley .aged 18 in 1760. High Sheriff in 1805. So far
I have not been able to find any connection between them or with Rev John Greenly. Hope you will eventually find it.
Michele Cooke
Site Owner (Sunday, February 17 13 08:50 am GMT)
Mrs. Louisa Hastings (nee Louisa Lowe),
daughter of Humphrey Lowe of Bromsgrove,
Worcs., and cousin and heiress of Lady Greenly.
She married Capt. Thomas Hastings, afterwards
Admiral Sir Thomas Hastings (1790-1870),
in 1827, and died in 1872.
24 Details of the Abergavenny Eisteddfod, and
the ball at Llanover are taken from Lady
Greenly's letter to Mrs. Hastings, dated
23rd October 1837. I am indebted to Mr. John
Greenly of Titley Court for permission to
quote from this letter.
25 Mr. C. C. Bishop of the famous London
catering firm of Gunter, Bruton Street,
informed me that it was believed the founder
of the firm was a Yorkshire man, but according
to Sir Joseph Bradney's History of Monmouthshire,
Vol. 1., (1907) p. 160, Gunter & Co. Ltd.
takes it name from two first cousins, both
James Gunter, who were descended from
the younger branch of the Gunter family of
The Priory, Abergavenny, Mon. They were
apprenticed about the second half of the
18th century to the confectionery business
of their aunt, Mrs. Negri, who had married
a foreigner engaged in that business in London,
and carried on the firm of Gunter in Berkeley
Square. In view of the fact that Lady Greenly
records that the Gunter who catered for the
house-warming party at Llanover was Welsh-
speaking, it appears very probable that Col.
Bradney's version of the founding of the firm
is correct.
Site Owner (Sunday, February 17 13 08:18 am GMT)
Walter Howorth (‘Bob’) Greenly Major-General
CB CMG DSO, GOC Cavalry Division and GOC Infantry Division
Eton College RMC Sandhurst psc
19th Hussars
Walter Howorth (‘Bob’) Greenly was the eldest son of Edward Howorth Greenly, of Titley Court, Herefordshire. He was commissioned in the 12th Lancers on 20 February 1895 and served as Adjutant of his
regiment in the South African War (1 May 1900-22 August 1902), where he won a DSO. Greenly’s profile as an ambitious professional was confirmed by his passing staff college in December 1905. He spent
the period January 1906 until January 1912 entirely in staff positions, principally with the cavalry in Aldershot Command, a place where a man could attract notice. This appears to have happened. On
2 January 1912 he was ‘fast-tracked’ to command of the 19th Hussars. It was his 37th birthday. On mobilisation, 19th Hussars were split up as divisional cavalry and Greenly had no opportunity to
command the regiment in action.
On 19 September 1914 he was appointed GSO1 2nd (Cavalry) Division, recently formed under the command of Hubert Gough. He remained in this post until 14 April 1915, when he was promoted GOC 9th
(Cavalry) Brigade, 1st (Cavalry) Division. He was 40. From November 1915 until November 1916 he was BGGS (chief of staff) XIII Corps, commanded by Sir Walter Congreve. XIII Corps was heavily engaged
on the Somme and achieved the greatest success on 1 July, including the capture of Montauban. Even this pace of promotion seemed too slow for Greenly, however. He was restless for command and, in
November 1916, succeeded in escaping the staff ‘ghetto’ to become GOC 2nd (Cavalry) Division.
He was an undoubted success. Colonel W N Nicholson, no uncritical admirer of generals, described Greenly as ‘good as one could wish’ as a divisional commander. Greenly was clever enough to realise,
however, that command of a cavalry division on the Western Front provided an able and ambitious man with very limited opportunities. He lobbied for command of an infantry division and, on 22 March
1918, he succeeded in getting one. Greenly’s new command, 14th (Light) Division, felt the full force of the German Spring Offensive. According to an official report by the GOC III Corps, Sir Richard
Butler, during the period 22-27 March ‘14th Division was engaged continuously day and night under very difficult conditions and suffered very heavy losses. Major-General Greenly handled a new and
difficult situation with energy, ability and calm. He was confronted with a difficult problem, and succeeded in concentrating and withdrawing the 14th Division from a situation which at one time
looked critical.’
Site Owner (Sunday, February 17 13 08:11 am GMT)
GREENLY, Edward Howorth, Esq., of Titley
Court, Herefordshire.
Only son of Charles Williams Allen (afterwards
Greenly), Esq., J.P. and D.L., of Titley Court, who
d. 1878, by Frances, dau. of the late Richard Eosser,
Esq. ; b. 1837 ; ?«. 1869 Sarah Caroline, who d. 1892,
2nd dau. of Lieut.-Gen. Bowes Forster, and has, with
other issue, a son, » Walter Howorth, C.B., C.M.G.,
D.S.O. , a J.P. for Herefordshire and a Major-Gen.,
late Col. Comm. 19th Hussars, previously Major 12th
Lancers, of which he is Col. ; commanded a Brigade
1915 and was Brigadier-Gen. on the Gen. Staff, with the
temp, rank of Brigadier-Gen., 1915-16; appointed to
command 2nd Cav. Div. 1917 ; has the Eussian Order
of St. Anne, 2nd Class, with Swords ; educated at Eton
and at the R. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst; b. 1875. Mr.
Greenly, who was educated at Harrow and at Balliol
Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1860, M.A. 1863), and called to
the Bar at Lincoln's Inn 1862, is a J.P. and D.L. for
Herefordshire (High Sheriff 1881), a J.P. for Brecon-
shire, and Lord of the Manor of Titley. — Titley
Court, Titley R.S.O., Herefordshire; New University
Site Owner - message for Michèle Cooke (Saturday, February 16 13 07:03 pm GMT)
Hi Michèle, I'm pleased you're enjoying the site.
Do you have any further details of the parents of Rev. John Greenly.
I believe he was Charles Greenly of Hereford. Possibly a vicar also, or, a public house landlord?
Also, do you know if Rev John Greenly has a connection with the Greenly's of Titley Court; and if so, how?
I also think there is a link between Rev John Greenly and Edward Greenly the Geologist?
Thanks in advance if you can help with any of the above.
David Greenly (Norwich)
Michèle Cooke (Saturday, February 16 13 06:36 pm GMT)
Thank you for this site. Rev John Greenly features on our family tree through his wife Mary Posser who was a great, great, great,great aunt of my husband. Her mother Mary Hughes married 9 sep 1782 a
John Cooke (our ancester)
Information I have is as follows
Rev John Greenly and Mary Prosser had 3 children
1-John Prosser Greenly( born: 1811) who married Ellen Loder had issue....
2- Emma (b. 1814) married Rev Edward Wood had issue; Henry, Charles and Mary
3- Mary (b. 1816- d. 1861) married....Goddard.
Site Owner (Saturday, February 16 13 02:19 pm GMT)
Mary Greenly (parents Peter and Mary Hickes, Bristol) married Reverend Charles Greenly of Bristol in 1802.
Mary Greenly died in Dartford, Kent on 3 April 1827.
Maddy (Saturday, February 02 13 02:17 pm GMT)
great website daddy
Site Owner (David Greenly) (Thursday, January 31 13 08:31 pm GMT)
Hi Jeanette
I am 100% certain that the Rev John Greenly mentioned in the diaries of Lady Greenly is the same as served on HMS Revenge alongside Lord Nelson.
It would be great if you could provide a copy of any documents, please email them to david.greenly@greenlyhistory.com and i'll add them to the site.
Regards, David
jeannette mehmet(nee Greenly) (Thursday, January 31 13 12:20 am GMT)
I believe that Lady Elizabeth Greenly-Coffin Diaries are at the Bouiham library at Oxford University, depoisted by Lady Howard her friend.
Jeannette Louise Mehmet (nee Greenly) (Wednesday, January 30 13 11:53 pm GMT)
This is very exciting,but have to find missing link of Rev.John Greenly,Caplain on the Revenge.to William Greenly of Hereford.Lady Elizabeth Greenly mentions in her letter being with Rev. John
Greenly in church could this be the same one and William of Hereford whoS son is he. This is my missing link. I have Rev John Greenly papers and his son John Prosser Greenly, who was my great great
great grandfather. I am the daughter of John Loder Greenly,his father Edward Prosser Greenly,his father Edward Loder Greenly,3rd son of Rev John Greenly who's children were buried in the cloister in
Salisbury Catheral and younger than Edward.My name is Jeannette Louise Mehmet nee Greenly
Kay Greenly Llanos (Saturday, January 26 13 10:16 pm GMT)
A message for Barry Ward
Apologies for typographical error in last post. Correct date for Hannah Bradford is 1792 - 1873
Kay Greenly Llanos (Saturday, January 26 13 02:53 pm GMT)
A message for Barry Ward.
I have Richard Greenly (1787-1874) and Hannah Ann Bradford (1972-1873) having a daughter named Mary Ann Greenly (1818-1856). She is listed in the 1841 England census as Ann Greenly living in
Herefordshire, England and died in 1856 in Pennsylvania. There is a sister listed as Hannah born in 1828.
Kay Greenly Llanos (Friday, January 25 13 08:33 pm GMT)
Dear Dave,
Thank you for all of your wonderful information on the Greenly family.
Kay Greenly Llanos
Kerrville, Texas
Message for Dave Wichbold from Site Owner (Wednesday, January 02 13 12:09 pm GMT)
Hi Dave
Many thanks for the message - and yes please we'd love to load up the pictures.
Kind regards
David Greenly
Dave Wichbold (Wednesday, January 02 13 11:45 am GMT)
Hi David, I have an album of photos c1900. There are a few of some Greenlys and Titley Court. They were taken by Laura Meredith (nee Green-Price) I would be happy to email them to you for the web
Message for Laurice Greenly (Tuesday, November 06 12 10:35 pm GMT)
Reverend John Greenly's son John Prosser Greenly had a son John Francis Greenly.
In the 1911 UK Census below are details of John Francis, wife Eluzabeth and son John Pearmund.
Barry Ward (Monday, October 29 12 12:12 pm GMT)
Back again! Still searching Ann but may have a remote clue.An American researcher has identified Hannah b.1828 daghter of Richard Greenly and Hannah Bradford as returning to England.How and when he
does not explain.But the fact I cannot trace Ann in either 1841 or 1851 could lead to the conclusion that Ann and Hannah are one of the same. Any help please.
Message for Laurice Greenly from site owner (Friday, October 19 12 01:22 pm BST)
Hi Laurie
Fantastic. Reverend John Greenly is one of the most fascinating characters in the whole story with his Battle of Trafalgar connection.
Did you look down the Census page as John Prosser is referred to in there
1861 NAME: Mary Greenly
1861 BIRTH: abt 1778 - Bermondsey St Mary
1861 RESIDENCE: 1861 - Salisbury, Close, Wiltshire, England
1861 NAME: John Greenly
1861 BIRTH: abt 1778 - Herefordshire, England
1861 RESIDENCE: 1861 - Salisbury, Close, Wiltshire, England
Laurice Beverley Nutt (Greenly (Friday, October 19 12 12:47 pm BST)
Hi Im looking for the connection or father of John Prosser (Woodhouse) Greenly b1777 -d 1862 married Mary b 1778, son John Prosser b1810 -d 1900 married Ellen Smith b1823, son Edward Loader b1866
laverstock. my great grandfather.
Laurice Beverley Nutt (Greenly) (Friday, October 19 12 12:17 pm BST)
Hi Im a Greenly I am a decendent of Reverend John Greenly fro Salsbury, my grandfather was Edward, I live in South Africa.
Message for Barry Ward from Site Owner (Friday, October 19 12 03:27 am BST)
Dear Barry, Anne from Herefordshire, born around 1827, will certainly be connected to the Staunton-on- Arrow Greenlys. I'll investigate further for you.
In the meantime, if you look at my line I'm sure Anne will be a child of one of names mentioned here
Possibly, Anne was a child of one of this group of brothers and sisters ...
John Greenly 1775 b 6th August 1775 and was a carpenter.
He was the second eldest child of 5 children.
Ann Greenly b 21st August 1774 Dilwyn, d 31st August 1774
John Greenly 6th August 1775
Jane Greenly 1st January 1779 Dilwyn
Thomas Greenly 14th April 1782, Dilwyn d 14th February 1826 Cholstrey
Rebecca Greenly b and d 27th November 1785
Richard Greenly b 6th May 1792 Eardisland
Emigrated to USA in 1832 as Carpenter / Wheelwright
See the American Tree above for Richard and Hannah Bradford who emigrated with their family. Justin Greenly and Dave Greenly are both relatives of my line.
John Greenly 1775 married Mary Hartland from Pembridge in 20th January 1801- she died in 1882 (note John Greenly 1801 was born in June – so probably they had to marry).
Johns (1775) father, my Great, Great, Great, Great Grandfather was also a John Greenly (1745)
David Greenly
barry ward (Thursday, October 18 12 06:00 pm BST)
can you help me?my direct relative is william mowbray ( there are various spellings of this)b. baston ( not boston)lincolnshire 1822. He married an ann greenly from herefordshire in the early
1850's.I only found this out from the youngest child's birth certificate, john b.1860in alfreton derbyshire.neither the marriage certificate nor the birth certificates of the other children of the
marriage seem to exist.furthermore I can trace nothing aboutthe prior history of ann born about 1827 .any help please
maddy greenly (Sunday, October 07 12 10:20 am BST)
I enjoyed looking at my daddy's web site with grandma christine
Lisa Marie Greenly (Friday, September 28 12 12:52 am BST)
Thanks for all your work on this. It's something I think on occasionally, those who came before. This is really fun.
David - message for Rebecca (Monday, September 24 12 02:05 am BST)
Hi Rebecca
Did you see this page which shows the Greenly who emigrated to Canada from Ireland?
Is this your link?
David Greenly (site owner)
Rebecca Greenly (Sunday, September 23 12 11:35 pm BST)
There is a large farming family of Greenly's in Warkworth Ontario Canada. The family is one of the comunities oldest and spelles their name Greenly and Greenley. I am not the keeper of our families
history My great aunt is. The rumour is we came to Canada by way of ireland. Being farmers records were not the families forte.
David Greenly (Saturday, September 22 12 06:28 pm BST)
From Salisbury Cathedral
'Near the spot, on the green, lie the/remains of the Rev. John Greenly M.A./50 years Priest Vicar of this Cathedral/and 40 years Vicar of St Thomas in this/City; who died December 1 1862, Aged/85
years. And of Mary his wife, who died/at Laverstock March 15th 1866, aged/88 years. Also four of their Grand-/children who died in this close in the/short space of one month A.D.1855./This Tablet was
erected by their son,/in Loving Memory 1887.' There is also an individual tombstone in the cloister garth which reads: 'John Greenly,died December 1st 1862 aged 85'
David (site owner) (Sunday, September 09 12 06:49 pm BST)
Hi. The 1,000 page book from 1830's can be found as a PDF file on the bottom of the 'start here...' page.
Allen Greenly (Sunday, September 09 12 02:36 pm BST)
I saw your post on Facebook about the Greenly's in America and their roots back to England. I can't find the link to download the book. Can you please send me the link?
David (site owner) (Saturday, September 08 12 01:20 pm BST)
Dear David,
Thanks for that kind comment and some background on the Greenly's and the canal.
in 2003/4 a number of us Greenly's descended on Titley Court and were kindly hosted by the current occupier, Mr Allen.
He kindly laid out various articles on the billiard table and i'm sure (?) the diaries were on display.
We'll track them down somewhere I'm sure.
Dr David Slater (Saturday, September 08 12 12:43 pm BST)
Thank you David
The original diaries were destroyed in the 1830s but before her death Elizabeth Greenly had them transcribed into 6 volumes.
Articles on these were written by Miss Wight and Salt in the 1950s but then the diairies seem to have disappeared. Sadly they are not in the HRO.If anybody knows you can contact me directly on
David.Slater@sth.nhs.uk. They are real heritage on
the Greenlys circa 1790-1835.From the articles , although her marriage failed she was quiet a lady!
Wiliiam Greenly held shares in the Kington Leominster and Stourport Canal but sadly the line to Kington was not built.
Greenlys land in Kington would have been the site of the terminus.It is probable that part of the Titley estate remodelling cira 1800 was to create feeder ponds to feed the anticipated canal on its
summit level before dropping to Leominster with loads of locks. I havent yet walked the estate to see what remains but the smaller ponds in question are on the 1830s and 1890s OS maps.When the canal
didnt arrive Kington ( and Greenly) transferred their interest to the Kington tramway Fingers crossed they tutn up This is an amazing website!! Kind Regards David
David Greenly (site owner) to Dr David Slatet (Tuesday, September 04 12 03:45 pm BST)
Dear Dr Slater,
I believe that the Greenly Diaries are held at Hereford Public Records Office.
Could you provide a brief overview of how Greenly's were involved with the canal. ?
Kind regards
David Greenly
Dr David Slater (Tuesday, September 04 12 09:34 am BST)
I have been researching the role of the Greenlys in the building of the Leominster Canal ( circa 1790) . In this I have come across reference to 6 bound volumes of diaries
of Lady Elizabeth Brown Cogffin Greenly of Titley
Court Herefordshire They cover about 1790 to 1834. They existed at Titley Court in 1957 and I wondered if anybody knew their current location. They have not been deposited in local record offices.
Many thanks David
Elaine Turner (Sunday, August 19 12 09:23 pm BST)
David one of Dad's projects was to build a factory for Kellog!!
Elaine Turner (nee Greenly) (Sunday, August 19 12 09:21 pm BST)
David all your hard work is amazing ~ lovely to hear new Greenlys join the branches.
David Greenly (Sunday, August 19 12 03:21 pm BST)
Greetings from another David Greenly (there's lots of us!)
living in Mold, North Wales.
James Greenly, England. (Saturday, August 04 12 05:05 pm BST)
I 'think' I'll be the first Greenly to walk to the North Pole in 2013. Please see the website link for details of the charity event.
Regards, James.
David Greenly (site owner) (Sunday, July 29 12 09:46 pm BST)
Ruth Kellogg GREENLY was born 13 Aug 1774 in , and died 27 Mar 1813.
She was a member of the Kellogg family and married into the Greenly family.
Ruth was born on August 13, 1774 in New Hartford, CT, USA.
Jeff Greenly (Sunday, July 22 12 03:18 pm BST)
You asked about Shadrach Greenly on your America and Canada page. See http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=13631504 for more info.
Allen Greenly (Tuesday, July 17 12 08:53 pm BST)
Very nice site. I have traced back to Robert Greenley (1745-1793)in Delaware, but haven't had much luck prior to that. Robert Greenley had one son, David Maxwell, and died when David was only 4.
David was put into an orphanage and when he came out the last name was spelled Greenly. Any help you can give me on Robert Greenley would be much appreciated.
Jean Dobson (Monday, July 02 12 03:39 pm BST)
From: Jean Dobson <jld1801@btinternet.com>
Date: 1 July 2012 23:31:02 GMT+01:00
To: GreenlyHistory <david.greenly@greenlyhistory.com>
Subject: Greenly's in Herefordshire
Reply-To: Jean Dobson <jld1801@btinternet.com>
hi David,
Yes, it is okay to use any of my material - if you cite me. I am a strong believer in making information widely available.
I presume that Rev John Greenly of interest to you is the John Greenly who was admitted & sworn a Freeman in 1820 - and that his father was the William Greenly who was admitted & sworn a
Freeman in the Mayoral Year of 1777-8.
Tomorrow, I will have a closer look at what I have on these two men.
I don't think that I would have much on Rev John Greenly because he seems to have been here in Hereford only during his boyhood. I suppose that he would have been educated at the Hereford Cathedral
School - and may have been a choir boy.
Although I probably have much more on William Greenly, most of it probably came from the Hereford Journal. I presume that you have already extracted all mentions of Greenly family members from the
Hereford Journal - which is now available on the British Newspapers Online. Although I haven't taken out a subscription, I extracted many Greenly items from the Hereford Journal some years ago.
Can you identify the following William Greenly of the New Crown & Rolls Tavern, London for me? As the Herefordshire Society chose to hold their meetings at his establishment, I presume that he
had a personal connection to Herefordshire.
Hereford Journal - 23 January 1777
[a similar advertisement appeared in other years]
London. Herefordshire Society. The Anniversary Meeting of this Society will be held at Mr. WILLIAM GREENLY's, the New Crown and Rolls Tavern, Chancery Lane, on Thursday 6th February next, when the
company of any gentleman of this county, tho' not a member, will be esteemed a favour.
The Right Hon. THO. HARLEY
Mr. EDWARD Marsh Stewards
Dinner to be on the table at three o'clock.
From Greenly's via Facebook (Wednesday, June 27 12 05:47 am BST)
Kc Greenly 1:24am Jun 27
Just have to say very very nice work!!
Dale Greenly 1:45am Jun 27
Well, thanks to you, and this website, i've been able to connect my family all throughout the U.S, through their time in Canada, all the way back to merry ol' England and Scotland!!
Jennifer Greenly 1:51am Jun 27
Im looking for my Dads family Jeffrey Arthur greenly May 15 1957 may 22 1979... if any GREENLYS HAD A BROTHER PLEASE CONTACT ME ..
Davin Greenly (Wednesday, June 27 12 04:11 am BST)
My father keeps the most accurate records of our Greenly history. Everything I know I've learned from him; fascinating stuff though. The link to the Baird Clan is interesting.
Elaine Turner (nee Greenly) (Monday, June 25 12 09:07 am BST)
Wow David, New York Times showing an interest, would be a lovely acknowledgement of all the hard work you have put in ~ am so very proud of you and our heritage, Elaine
Robert Greenly (Sunday, June 24 12 03:50 pm BST)
An absolutely fascinating history.
My grandfather was Henry Greenly who built the Romney Hythe and Dymchurch Light Railway. We visited this last summer and it was absolutely jumping.
My great uncle was Arthur Greenly who founded the advertising agency Greenlys Ltd. Both of these were featured in the 1974 book The Miniature World of Henry Greenly
Margaret (Adams) Greenly (Saturday, June 23 12 08:10 pm BST)
My name is Margaret (Adams) Greenly; I live in Salt Point, NY, USA. I married Lloyd F.Greenly, jr. in 1981. He was born in 1946 in NJ to Lloyd F. Greenly and Margaret Ballentine. He has a brother
Robert. I'm so glad you've created this site; I'm going to share it with my two sons so they, too, can appreciate their wonderful heritage. I would love to visit "Greenly Way" some day!
Scott Greenly (Saturday, June 23 12 02:06 pm BST)
This site is an amazing compilation of Greenly History. I'm a proud Greenly from just outside of Philadelphia, PA. I've really enjoyed reading on my ancestry and had no idea it was filled with such
rich history. Thank you for putting this all together!
Tom Parker, Fifth Avenue. New York (Saturday, June 23 12 09:56 am BST)
Dear Mr. Greenly,
Thank you for your message (about the Greenly advertising link to the video) I’m pleased you found the Lonsdale-Hands video of interest and thank you for linking it to your family’s website. If you
or a family member cares to know more about Richard Lonsdale-Hands, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I’d be happy to send a catalogue from our exhibition last fall.
Thanks again.
Tom Parker
Thomas B. Parker
Hirschl & Adler Galleries
The Crown Building
730 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10019
Michelle Parker, New York Times. (Saturday, June 23 12 08:15 am BST)
Hi. can i publish your site on our news portal?
Thank you,
Michelle Parker, NYT journalist
Caroline Paymayesh (Tuesday, June 12 12 09:50 am BST)
David it is fascinating reading the history. The picture by Lady Elizabeth Greenly in 1803 and your gift of art so many many comparisons. Thank you for being the best brother ever.
Message for Davin Greenly from David Greenly (site owner) (Monday, June 11 12 12:31 pm BST)
Dear Davin
Thank you for your comment. Are you able to trace your ancestors back any further?
My guess is that you are related to Richard Greenly who emigrated to America (Pennsylvania ) from Herefordshire in the late 1800's.
Richard Greenly (5/6/1787-11/4/1874)
who was a wagon maker from Herford County, England
who married Hanna Bradford (6/21/1792-3/16/1873)
See this link for the tree back to Richard and Hannah.
Davin Greenly (Monday, June 11 12 06:20 am BST)
George Greenly is my father. He lives with my mother Diana Elezabeth Greenly in San Antonio. I live with my wife (Lynn) and our three boys Grant, Garrett, and Brendan in the Fort Worth area.
Message for Jenny Garry from David Greenly (site owner) (Wednesday, May 30 12 09:55 pm BST)
Hello Jenny
Thank you for your lovely comments.
Did you see the account of John Greenly who emigrated from Ireland in the 1800's.
Best Wishes
Jenny Garry (Wednesday, May 30 12 04:21 am BST)
Hello David, what a wonderful site! My grandfather is Leonard Greenly of Milford, Delaware. His father before him was Leslie Greenly. I believe our Greenly family immigrated to the USA from Ireland
in the 1800s. I thoroughly enjoyed your historical info!Thank you!
David Greenly (site owner) - Message for Sharon Lerigo-Baugh (Tuesday, May 22 12 07:47 pm BST)
Dear Sharon
Here is an extract from the will of Phillipp Greeneley from 1685 that references Margery you refer to below.
Kind Regards
David Greenly
GREENELEY, Phillipp - of Tytley co. Herefford, yeoman, 24 Nov 1656.
"my bodye to be buried in the Parish Church of Tytley in the same plan where my sonne James GREENELEY deceased was buried".
to my sonne Richard GREENELEY - 50£ to my youngest daughter Ffrydayswood GREENELEY - "Threescore Pounds"; to my daughter Elizabeth GREENELEY - 40£ to my daughter Margerye LERIGO - 5£ to Richard the
sonne of my second daughter Charitie G.. - 20s.; to my son Andrew GREENELEY - one bedd wth the furniture thereto.
Executor: sonne William GREENELEY - he also to have "the high standarde and goodes in the house... that is to say the table board, [frames?] waynscott the great Chest these in the further
sharon Lerigo-Baugh (Monday, May 21 12 08:44 pm BST)
Lerigo is my surname they were in Rock 1550's llangarren herefordshire 1605- Yazor also stretton sugwas herefordshire 1600's. Margery Greenly married william Lerigo 12/6/1649 at Titley herefordshire
he of yazor and stretton sugwas-children william, john, thomas and mary. Wiliam Lerigo was a carpenter both these and their children mentioned in grenly/greenly wills herefordshire and london regards
from Hereford uk
To John Greenly from David Greenly (site owner) (Monday, May 14 12 07:30 pm BST)
Dear John
I'm delighted that you've found the site to be so useful.
Welcome home!
David Greenly
John (Monday, May 14 12 02:57 am BST)
Sir David,
I want to personally thank you for unlocking a significant part of the Greenly Family Heritage to and for me...I have never felt part of North America and when I was invited to work for Vodafone in
Europe I immediately felt at ease and home like I have never felt before...Thank you for your kindness and generousity in sharing...
Kind regards,
John Greenly
Judith Jones (Tuesday, May 08 12 10:23 am BST)
Dear David, thank you very much for answering my query/comment even though it wasn't to do with ancestry. I will pursue further information through the advertising link. Thanks once again, Judith
To Judith Jones - from DG (site owner) (Monday, April 23 12 08:18 pm BST)
Hi Judith
I do not have any further details on Greenly's, However, if you click on the link below, this will take you to the trust that looks after all the advertising material from the past in the UK.
An email to them would be worthwhile I'm sure.
Good Luck
Judith Jones (Monday, April 23 12 11:21 am BST)
This site and information was passed to me by my son. It is extremely interesting as my father, I believe worked for Greenly's advertising agency in the 1930's and my mother described how she and my
father put together the Bertie Bassett Allsorts advertising idea using the sweets and pipe cleaners and created it. Can you look on records and see if my father 'Mr Frank Patrick Regan' was mentioned
in records, my mother mentioned working for Greenly's.
David Mathews (represented by David Greenly - site owner) (Tuesday, April 10 12 07:40 pm BST)
John Greenly was born around 1790 in England (probably in Herefordshire). He left England around 1830. He had masters papers and sailed to the USA in his own ship. He settled in the US and is
believed to have married a woman from NY.
John is believed to have had at least one son by his American wife. This son was a doctor and spent at least some time in Minneapolis. The doctor died in 1911. He in turn had a son and two daughters
(at least, there may have been other children). The son was a US Marshall in Montana and was shot by bandits in 1912. The sons were probably also called John as all first-born sons in the family had
been called John since the 16th Century.
The 1840 census shows 3 John Greenlys, 1 each in Clark Co, VA; Fayette Co, PA; and Adams Co, IL.
In order to complete our family history, I desperately need to place this JG into the tree in the correct position.
Is anyone out there descended from these 3 John Greenlys? If so, please get in touch - you may be able to solve a mystery that has been running for many many years.
Thank you.
Dear David
I hope I may be able to help. I have been working on the Greenly family tree in Herefordshire, but there is one part of your information that I do not understand. As far as I am aware there was only
one Greenly who emigrated to USA around 1830 and his name was Richard Greenly, his wifes name was Hannah. They were already married with a number of children when they left England. You are right
when you say that there are Greenlys tracing back to the 1600's who always called their first son John and I have all this info if you are interested. I also have info about the family this time as
well. It is a current project which I am working on. I have contacts in USA who have all details of Greenly family past and present in USA. When you say he had masters papers does this mean he was a
I am aware of Richard & Hannah and can trace their line back a further 5 generations, with 3 or 4 more generations in the form of conjecture. I am in touch with Larry Greenly in the US who has
the same line all the way to the present day on his side of the water.
John Greenly belongs to another branch of the family although it is my belief (as yet not proven) that they share the same forebears.
My particular interest is the family which came into posession of Titley Court, Titley, Herefordshire in 1575. Family legend states that this John Greenly (I have 148 in all!) was the heir to Titley
Court when the branch of the family which owned the property died out without issue around 1850.
John had left for the US around 1830 and repudiated his inheritance. As a result, Titley Court passed into Chancery Court and eventually passed under Royal Patent to one Charles William Allen, who
later changed his name to Greenly. His descendants still live at Titley.
John left behind two or three illegitimate sons, who were allegedly lodged at Titley Court until they were old enough to live elsewhere. I am a direct descendant of Benjamin Greenly, one of those
illegitimiate sons.
My suspicion (and it is only a suspicion) is that Richard and Hannah travelled on John Greenly's ship to the US (they lived only a few miles apart after all and were probably related). This would
explain why R&H do not appear on any passenger lists to the US - there are no lists for privately owned vessels.
Another descendant of Benjamin (Tom Greenly) emigrated to the US around 1910. He was my great grandfather's half-brother. His letters to my late grandfather were the starting point for my research.
He met the widow of John Greenly's son in Minnesota in 1912/13 confirming to some extent the family legend.
David Greenly, England (site owner) (Monday, April 09 12 07:25 pm BST)
Hi Gary. Your Richard Greenly is from my line. See my family tree in the David Greenly section above. Click on the link to my tree at the bottom of the page. Then find Richard who married Hannah
Bradford. That'll provide you your tree back from 1787 to 1400's. See also Justin Greenly below who is also an American descendant of Richard.
You and I are also related - my line being via a brother of Richard.
Thanks for getting in touch.
David Greenly, England.
Gary Brinton (Monday, April 09 12 04:47 pm BST)
I'm a descendant of Richard S. Greenly (b. 1787) who emigrated to US from Herefordshire County. I can't find any info prior to that.
Gary L. Brinton
David Greenly (site owner) (Sunday, March 25 12 02:03 am BST)
Hi Dave (Rochester, New York)
Thanks for your message. I'm really pleased that you've enjoyed finding the site. Regarding the word document, this site is basically it. If you look at the bottom of each page on here there is a
print button. Hope that helps.
And yes, we do share a common ancestor.
Best regards to you too.
Dave Greenly Rochester, New York (Saturday, March 24 12 11:48 pm GMT)
Hi David,
My name is David Charles Greenly and we have just connected on Facebook. I believe we share the same (4-great) Grandfather, John Greenly b.1745. My (3-great) Grandfather is Richard Greenly, father of
George Greenly, father of John Charles Greenly, father of George Webster Greenly, father of Charles Webster Greenly, who is my father.
I have connected with Justin Greenly, too, and have discovered a lot of our history.
I saw you mentioned having a large Word document, and I would be very interested in seeing and reading it.
It is amazing what you have discovered and shown at www.greenlyhistory.com and it's remarkable to me that the Greenly family from all over can now connect through cyber-space.
Thank you.
Warmest regards,
derek (Saturday, March 24 12 12:17 am GMT)
great pictures
Jack Greenly (Canada) (Sunday, March 04 12 12:02 pm GMT)
Hey David!
Got your email about the Greenly Family history – VERY neat!
Thank you for taking the time to send this my way – I will have to take some time to get to know my roots!
Hope you are making a good name for us GREENLY’s. Take Care!
: ) Jackie
Jacqueline (Jack) Greenly
Radio Presenter in Canada
Ron W. Shaw (Thursday, February 23 12 05:55 pm GMT)
You have created a beautiful website. Thank you very much for passing along the link.
Would it be possible to change the email address at the bottom of my account of John and Dorothea Greenly to this address scdhrcda@ripnet.com the address shown is old and out of service.
I note you have removed all reference to John Greenly’s service in the White’s Yeomanry Corps ... John, I think, was a bit of a hard case where religious bigotry was concerned.
Best regards,
Ron W. Shaw
2336 Drummond C-7
R.R. # 6
Perth, Ontario, K7H 3C8
Tel: 613-267-9617
VOIP: 203-454-6899
Skype: Rshaw51
derek greenly (Sunday, February 19 12 07:51 am GMT)
Hi David
Your twin Derek here writing from NZ - I noticed there's a Natalie Greenly living here in NZ - saw her profile on Linked IN. I'll see if I can make contact with her.
Good work with the site David.
David Greenly (site owner) (Saturday, February 18 12 08:16 am GMT)
Hi Nick. We share the same Great, Great Grandparents; William and Amelia. I have a twin brother, Derek, and my middle name is Malcolm. Probably, my Father named us after your Dad and Uncle.
Do you have any material you'd like to have uploaded?
Kind Regards, David Greenly, Norwich.
Nicholas (Nick) Greenly (Saturday, February 18 12 07:48 am GMT)
Francis James (Frank) Greenly was my Grandfather - Greenly Road Wolverhampton was named after him and his brother John.My Father was Francis Derek Greenly (Derek) who worked in the family business
with his brother Malcolm.Malcolm still survives - my Father passed away in 2001.
Richard Greenly (Thursday, February 09 12 08:25 am GMT)
Dear David,
I have had a good look through the site and congratulate you on your efforts.
I am the Richard Anthony Howorth Greenly mentioned on your William the
Conqueror page.
John Owen Howorth (JOH Greenly) was my Uncle and the last Greenly at Titley Court. (Current resident is the step son of JOH Greenly).
I have been looking through various paintings, albums, and old documents and will, over the next few weeks, get some things scanned, and photographed for adding to the site.
I have photos of Edward, John, Walter, Anthony and Jack who have all lived there in the last century.
F5. Sarah Caroline Forster, + 1892, Md. 1869, Edward Howorth Greenly*, of Titley Court, Herefordshire, * 1837, + 1926.
G1. Walter Howorth Greenly, Maj.Gen., C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., * 1875, + 1955.
G2. John Henry Maitland Greenly, Lt.Col. Sir, C.B.E., * 1885, + 1951, Md. 1910, Joan Isabel Dunell, + 1965, d. of Owen R. Dunell.
H1. John Owen Howorth Greenly, of Titley Court, Herefordshire, * 1914, Md. 1948, Katherine Lee de Dere, d. of Arthur Andrew de Dere, of Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.
H2. Anthony Peter Howorth Greenly, of Newbury, Berkshire, * 1916, Md. 1943, Diana Lilian Gibson, d. of Sir Kenneth Lloyd Gibson, 2nd Bt.
I1. Richard Anthony Howorth Greenly, * 1948, Md. 1981, Belinda Audrey Lockett.
J1. Thomas Richard Howorth Greenly, * 1983.
J2. Jack David Howorth Greenly, * 1985.
J3. Sam James Howorth Greenly, * 1988.
Justin Michael Greenly (Wednesday, February 01 12 10:54 pm GMT)
Hi David,
Great job with the site. I'm the guy that opened up the facebook group called "Greenly's Around the World" (http://www.facebook.com/groups/2204989912/)
Everyone: My email is justin.greenly@gmail.com
I welcome all connections, especially those who need information about the Greenly family in the United States. I am fortunate to have the work of many individuals in my family.
JP Bower: I tried to email you and the message bounced back. Feel free to get in touch with me because I am also a Pennsylvania Greenly.
Here is my lineage, back to England (where I am less sure of things)
Me (1985) and my sister Morgan (1993)
My Father Steve Greenly (1960)
His Father Gerald Greenly (1934)
His Father Horace LaRue Greenly (1912-2003)
His Father Robert Cleon Greenly (1885-1976)
His Father Henry Greenly (1858-1930)
His Father Richard Greenly II (1812-1896)
His Father Richard Greenly (5/6/1787-11/4/1874)
who was a wagon maker from Herford County, England
who married Hanna Bradford (6/21/1792-3/16/1873)
David Greenly (Wednesday, February 01 12 01:33 pm GMT)
Robert Greenly. Hi. Can you provide details of your parents and where you lived in the Midlands please? Greenly Brothers was a public works building company in Wolverhampton around 1940's and 1950's.
They had office's in Greenly Road which was named by the Council in thanks for their work in and around Wolverhampton.
Any help?
ROBERT GREENLY (Wednesday, February 01 12 10:37 am GMT)
Hi David, my name is Robert Greenly and im in the midlands... Now im interested in my family tree, all i know is that my father was from the czech Republic.
Bert Capps (Tuesday, January 17 12 10:50 am GMT)
Hi my name is Bert Capps. I'm doing my family tree, and my grand mother was Elizabeth Greenly. And any information you can give me would be a big help. My email is bertcapps@gemail.com. Pleace help
me family on the Greenly Side
J P Bower (Monday, January 16 12 09:07 pm GMT)
I am a descendant of Richard Greenly and Hannah Bradford from England to Pennsylvania 1800's. My mother was Eleanor Elizabeth Greenly, daughter of Plenn Myron (aka Plinny or PM)from Millville and
Greta V. Parker from Benton, PA. I am working on our family tree and would love to hear from anyone who is family or knows about the Greenlys who had a farm and orchard in Sereno,near Millville,PA.
They were my great-grandparents, Henry Thomas Greenly and Elizabeth Jane Potter. I have read some messages on this board and know I am related to some of you! I was a Carey from Berwick,PA. I can be
reached at jpbower@sunlink.net. Would love to compare and share. Thank you!
Karis Kopodopolus (Sunday, January 08 12 05:48 pm GMT)
David your site is amazing and a really interesting read. I have really enjoyed reading abut the Greenly family history and look forward to the other additions you have planned. What a great
Jason (Monday, January 02 12 07:40 pm GMT)
well done. New years resolution done. Now kick back for the rest of the year :D
Brigitte Jani (Monday, January 02 12 05:11 am GMT)
Hi David,sorry I'm not a Greenly but I had the pleasure of knowing one. This is very fascinating, I went through the entire site and as I was going through the photos I saw a big resemblance between
you & John Greenly & Issac Coffin Greenly, just my observation! Excellent work.
Matt & Yvonne Greenly (Sunday, January 01 12 10:42 pm GMT)
Hi David, looks like you've been busy on the family history again, can't wait to spend some time exploring the site, all the best, Matt & Yvonne Greenly (www.matt-yvonne.co.uk)